Monday, November 7, 2011

Making mom happy

What a great book!

Habit #2: Maintain Key Friendships

I know that I am a better mom because of the close friendships I have with other women.  These great women keep me grounded, they pass on lessons they have learned as moms, and they are compassionate, understanding listeners when I just need to vent.

What are your key friendships?

How do they help you as a mom?

How do you maintain these in the daily whirlwind that is mothering??


  1. Having other Mom friends IS so important. They share experiences, trials, tribulations. I am fortunate to have two sisters near my age who are also my best friends. We live close enough to spend lots of time together and have done so over the 'mothering' years.
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  2. My friends have value beyond measure. I call them my "soul sisters".
